The Theory of Evolution is one of the most ubiquitous, universally recognized topics on earth. It is taught in schools all around the world and seemingly drummed into the minds of mankind from a young age. Yet, incredibly strong evidence makes this theory impossible to really consider as truth. When you honestly evaluate the evidence, it becomes more clear how scientifically impossible and absurd it is. Many modern-day evolutionary biologists are still waiting for real evidence. One of the most influencing pieces of evidence of a graduating organic chain for the whale species was later found to be a fraud, yet shows on major TV stations released it as truth and ignored this. Even Darwin himself privately admitted in a letter the total absence of proof.

"In fact, belief in natural selection must at present be grounded entirely on general considerations. When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed" (Darwin's Life and Letters, iii, 25) Darwin has been accused of using work from others, including his grandfather without ever giving him credit.

Prominent evolution Professor J. B. S. Haldane stated: "The barrier of inter-specific sterility is the most serious argument against Darwin's Organic Evolution."

Professor H. F. Osborn, one of the greatest paleontologists and scientists of his time, stated: "We are more at a loss than ever to understand the causes of evolution. One after another the Buffonian, Lamarckian, Darwinian, Weissmannian, and De Vriesian theories of causation have collapsed.

Douglas Axe, a Biochemist and Founding Director of the Biologic Institute examined the probability of a single protein with any functionality forming by chance. For evolution to be true, these protein and enzymatic sequences must be formed thousands of times in each body, and trillions of times in all the different species around the world. The chances of it forming one single time in one species were estimated to be at around 1 in 10 to the 64th power! That's one single protein, let alone thousands in one human body and trillions in all species in existence. This is only one tiny aspect of physiology out of billions of intelligent processes. Considering this, the chances of these complex processes randomly assembling on their own due to evolution or adaptation becomes impossible to justify.

1. The Fossil Record

Darwin himself said that geology DOES NOT reveal any finely graduated organic chain. He blamed it on the geological record of his time. Fast forward around 150 years later with much greater records. A biology major and physician named Dr. Werner dedicated many decades to truly seeking all the evidence available to validate his belief in evolution. He researched paleontology, geology, biology, and biochemistry. Following this, he spent over 20 years traveling to all major museums and dig sites around the world and interviewing some of the most prominent evolutionary biologists. Dr. Werner took around 60,000 photographs of fossils and fossil layers. This is one of the most comprehensive research projects on evolution.

What he found shocked and amazed him. Examples of nearly every living animal and plant phyla on land and sea fully formed and almost always identical to now. There were no traces of evolutionary development with the best fossil records we have. Of all vertebrates, fish have the highest number of fossilized records. Yet, when invertebrates are researched, no record is ever seen of one evolving. There's absolutely no evidence of a spinal column forming, as Darwin thought would occur. The origin of fish is said to be the origin of vertebrates, yet evidence shows zero transitional evidence ever! Evolution literally cannot be true without this. This same pattern occurred with every single species he studied.

There is a whole in-depth series with Dr. Werner on some of these findings, but here are two videos with a quick synopsis of this research.

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2. Mutations

Many pro-evolutionists say that mutations make it possible for a single-celled organism to change and evolve over billions of years. However, time and time again, studies have shown that mutations cause a loss or decay of genetic information, rather than new information occuring. This has been proven in fruit flies and so many other species, including people. A hundred years of studying a fruit fly is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of years of a human being. And in all of this studying, nothing, no new genetic information or anything that suggests mutations could ever cause this in ANY type of cell or species. Just decay and loss of information from every type of mutation possible.

3. Vestigial Organs & Structures

Darwin argued that evolution is at least partially proven by the presence of structures "bearing the plain stamp of inutility" and "imperfect and useless." This theory, even if true, would in no way prove evolution. Evolution must go from a single cell to what we see today in a progressive state. We would find millions of examples of growing and incomplete structures, yet this doesn't happen. There were around vestigial 180 structures that were on this list in Darwin's day. Unfortunately, that list continued to dwindle as science found important uses for all of these.

4. Cellular and DNA repair/protective mechanisms

Many scientists have no legitimate answer to explain the astoundingly complex mechanisms of DNA and cellular repair. A single cell cannot survive without this to evolve. The DNA and cell experience too much damage without these extremely intelligent and complex systems of repair. It is thought by evolutionists and Darwin that life came about from a chemical or primordial soup. Yet, it's been shown that DNA, proteins, and cell membranes cannot be formed from these chemicals and elements alone.

5. Random assembly of structures and genes

The complexity that is being more deeply understood by scientists keeps highlighting the mathematical impossibility of cell structures to form randomly. They keep trying in labs, yet keep failing. Each year, we get further away from showing this is legitimately possible rather than closer. The complexity is amazing with structures forming breaking down spontaneously, communication of cell parts, replacing damaged parts, assembling and disassembling complex structures. This is such an incredibly impossible feat, mathematically and chemically. Time makes evolution less possible, not more. Structures have to be assembled extremely quickly to work, not over millions of years. No scientist has a clue as to how it's possible and they if say they do, they're lying and can't prove it.